Thursday, March 26, 2009

Germany Invaded! :The Spread of Idiocy

Germany has a huge problem. A pest problem.

Here is a nice lie from a typical creationist:

'It's a well-known fact that scientists are abandoning evolution,'' he says. ''Creationism is like a cross to a vampire for evolutionists. Empirical scientists have already abandoned this theory and ... in a few years, it won't be in the science books anymore.''

But, alas, there is some light in Germany:

''That's a misunderstanding of science. People think that science is the same kind of knowledge as religious knowledge. It's not.''

Science, he says, depends on evidence and constantly tests its theories against new findings. Theories are challenged and thrown out if they don't stand up to scrutiny. Creationism, by contrast, is pure faith."

Read that again: "Theories are challenged and thrown out if they don't stand up to scrutiny. Creationism, by contrast, is pure faith."

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